Monday, October 16, 2006

Introduction - About Me

My name is Ho Meng-Chin, a student of Chung Shan Medical University. People at this age may be very energetic. But if there are 99% of energetic people, then I might be the last 1% who is very quiet. How quiet? For example when I'm having lunch with friends (you know during lunch time people usually have some conversations), then you'll find me always listening. Not because people won't let me talk. I just feel more ease to be a listener than a speaker. Maybe my habit has some responsibility. I like to watch TV. From elementary to high school that's my everyday work. While we watch TV we're receiving information but not thinking or creating. To growing kid if you just let them receiving but not giving then one day you'll find them forget how to give.

...Ok, I admit it's a strange example. And the paragraph above is just my excuse of being so quiet. But that's what comes into my mind when teacher talked about "talking and writing are more difficult in learning a language" I felt something familiar with those TV times… Now being a college student, far away from home, I do not have that much program to watch. But I still prefer staying at home than going out. I have to say being quiet has become part of my personality.

(I just found that I have to write something like goals of the class and my life (I thought they are two different articles…) so this "about me" is not finished yet.


At 7:57 AM, Blogger  said...

Hey Babe~ Say it's 7:46 AM, I'm going to school. You're a so nice guy, I like be with you doing homework or something else. Although you're always a listener, I still want you to talk more. Please~~~ I'd like to know your thinking more~


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