Monday, November 20, 2006


Computers were invented within just hundreds of years. But they had become an essential part of our life. Because of some powerful functions, they are being used in many different ways.

When we think of computers, the first to mention is its fast calculating speed and large storage capacity. We are able to open many windows and do different works at the same time. Unlike human, computers get everything done easily and never get confused. Then computers will store the information we type in for as long as possible. The problem of memory loss will not be seen. Those thoughts are turned into real data. Then with a few clicks you can see the oldest document you create long ago. If short of storage capacity, you just need to buy more hard discs. Everything is so convenient.

Besides hardware advantages, software in the computers have more closely relation with us. Different software gives computers different usage for people in all fields. Take we students for example. The searching function must be the most important. For doing reports or teachers offer of looking for more information, the internet is always a must.

Another remarkable usage of computers is its entertainment function. For young adults chatting on the computer may be more popular than using the phone. It costs less, which is the most important. And it gives us more possibility to know people from other countries. Internet is just like how we write it – the net-like linkage connects different societies together and shortened the distance between us. Other entertainment usage of computers are something like watching movies, listening to music, and of course playing games.

We are very used to have computers with us. Many people may have their computer turned on all day long. And as a matter of course, there will be long hours of using it. The using of this powerful machine has kind of become an addiction but it just seems that you can't ignore it.....