Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Out of the Earth

A view from out of our planet. Even though the invention of space shuttle was something in the last centry. Astronauts are still a profession that seems far away. Seeing these astronauts on their extravehicular mission on the International Space Station always reminds me that the ourter space is totally a different world from where we live. Even to just image how big is our planet makes me some kind of fear, with reverence in it. In the background is of course part of our earth. Beautiful as usual. If possible I really wish one day I could have a chance to look at our earth from the ourter space.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Why art

Art usually gives an impression of 'hard to understand'. But the worlds' famous museums are always full with travelers. It's nothing special for people who are interested in art to visit those places. But not everyone is like that.

Although I'm one of those who think of art as 'hard to understand'. I may still put museums in my visit list if there's a chance to travel. In my first thought, the reason people visit those places is because its famous. Although I do not know what those are all about, there might be something special since it's a famous spot. And those popular sights can get more attention from the manager(like the government). So at least the surrounding will not be too bad.

If to think deeply, although we may not know the artists special personal style, which is, we do not know what to look at. But artworks are also the reflection, and concentration of the local culture. You don't have to stay there for days or months or walk around to really see what there life looks like. The artworks will tell you.

If you say the famous artworks can already be seen in books, on TV, on the internet, or you already have a copy at home. But a REAL one still feels different from a fake one. Even though we can not tell the difference. The feeling is different(And the price is also very different.)

Another benefit may be that you'll get new topics to talk about the next time you meet others. You can happily share your experiences with each other and keep the conversation goes on. No matter what the reasons are, people will continue to visit those museums.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Traveling alone or in a tour group?

Although I'm not a one who travels alot, I do like travel. I'm used to staying at home. But if there's a chance to look around that would also be a good experience. People travel in two ways. Alone or join a tour group. For me, I would prefer traveling in a group.

The first reason is because joining the tour group, the tour company will do the annoying works for you. Get your tickets done, look for the spotlights you're going to see, and find the eating and sleeping places. Probably the only thing you have to do is to make sure the tour company is trustable. We don't always have time for those preparing work. At this point, traveling in a tour group will be better.

Secondly, when you're traveling with a group you are having someone who can share the same experience with you. Even though you do not know each other before, at least you're a little more closer than the other strangers out there.

One thing that's also very important is your safty. Traveling in a group will be safer than you go by yourself. For those planing to do bad things, a person alone is always easier than a group of people. If you are alone and get in some trouble, who will know that and give you a hand. But with a group of people they might be the one(or at lease the tour company)to help.

As a conclusion. I would agree that traveling alone or in a tour group both has its adventages. But for people like me, I prefer traveling in a tour group.