Sunday, January 07, 2007

Arts or the environment?

If there's a company considering giving money to support the arts or to protect the environment, in my opinion, I would suggest to use the money on the environment.

There's nothing wrong if any of you just choose the opposite. Art is also an important part of our life. It's something that can cultivate our mind. But comparing with the environment, I'll put environment in the front.

We have only one earth. Everyone knows that. And I think everyone will agree that we human beings has been destroying the environment for a long time. It was thought that the earth was big enough to digest those pollutants. The truth is, our earth is slowly striking back.

Aberrant climate brings natural disasters. Ecological changes reveals the possibility of our future. We finally found out of that but how hard we worked gains little rewards. The long term destruction is not easy to recover. The great earth has been damaged very deeply and the worst is, humen are still producing pollutants.

It is probably inevitable. So, the only thing we can do is try our best to reduce the amount of pollutants, and decrease pollution range. Little by little, then maybe the protected environment will be safe enough for us to live. There's no time to wait because pollution and damaging is happening instantly in every part our our planet. In that consideration, I would suggest to protect the environment first.